“Jazz on the Odra Festival 2014” Poster
The poster was proposed for the annual, 50th Jazz on the Odra Festival. The jazz festival in Wroclaw is one of the oldest events of the said type in the country. It has been organized since 1964 and has always played an important part in the development of the Polish music scene. The project is a graphical simplification of a saxophone and a river, both being references to the name of the event in question.


Template of a poster promoting the official year of Jan Czochralski
2013 was the official year of Jan Czochralski. The poster was presented at the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Czochralski was a Polish chemist, metal expert, and the inventor of a groundbreaking method of silicon single crystals derivation, popularly known as the Czochralski process. The said method constitutes the basis of the microprocessor production procedure. The poster depicts silicon wafers and the technology which was of exceptional importance for Jan Czochralski. The poster establishes the link with the contemporary technology to show to what extent it has been influenced by Jan Czochralski’s invention.


Wroclaw Festival 2013 Poster
A poster made for the competition organized by the city of Wroclaw in connection with the annual Wroclaw Festival event. The color scheme of the poster is a straightforward reference to the colors of the city in question. It was designed in such a way that it symbolizes an entertaining event.

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